
WICN entrance is on PORTLAND STREET (ring buzzer for WICN). The address is 44-50 Portland Street, Worcester 01608 and is on the back-side of the Hanover Theatre (for reference). There is metered parking on Portland Street, which takes credit cards and coins and runs until 8pm. There is parking on other side streets but read the posted signs. There is also metered parking in the WORCESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY parking lot located on Salem Street . DO NOT PARK ACROSS THE STREET FROM WICN IN THE LOT ON PORTLAND OR IN THE GRID PARKING LOTS: YOU WILL BE TOWED.
We are handicap accessible with a ramp on the front of the building. Printer’s Building Parking is available by permit and permission only.
Federal Plaza Garage – 570 Main Street, Worcester, MA
Portland Street Parking – 2 hr limit
Worcester Public Library – 3 Salem Street, Worcester, MA