Endowment & Planned Giving
Your support helps WICN Public Radio ensure that we remain the voice for arts and culture in Central Massachusetts for years to come. With a planned gift, you are honoring your own, or a loved one’s, connection to WICN. This is an amazing way to support a rich history of music, live performances, and educational opportunities for all. Your support will help strengthen our long-term financial stability and enable us to exist for future generations to enjoy.
Tax ID#: 04-2500578
Planned Giving:
Your support helps WICN Public Radio ensure that we remain the voice for arts and culture in Central Massachusetts for years to come. With a planned gift, you are honoring your own, or a loved one’s, connection to WICN. This is an amazing way to support a rich history of music, live performances, and educational opportunities for all. Your support will help strengthen our long-term financial stability and enable us to exist for future generations to enjoy.
Tax ID#: 04-2500578
There are several ways you can make a planned gift to WICN Public Radio, but the most common methods are through bequests and retirement plans.
Please call the office to speak with Melanie LeBoeuf at 508-752-0700 to learn more.