Business Challenge Match

Participate in WICN’s Business Challenge Match and Gain Valuable Exposure!
Challenge Grants offer your company valuable exposure on WICN, plus the opportunity to support quality broadcasting in Central Massachusetts.
During WICN’s fund drive, your company is recognized as the provider of a Challenge Match. Listeners are highly motivated to become members of WICN when they know that their contribution is actually worth twice as much to the station. Challenge Matches have proven to be very successful at WICN and at public radio stations all over the country. They instill a sense of urgency to our appeals, and add an element of excitement and fun to the fund drives.
It’s a Win/Win opportunity!
- Your Business Challenge is a tax-deductible contribution.
- You increase your connection with consumers by adding a more personal dimension to your brand.
- Your company builds loyalty with customers by demonstrating your commitment to the community through public broadcasting.
- Your business is presented in a highly interactive and responsive environment — on the radio at 90.5FM and online at, special e-newsletter (over 4,600 subscribers) and WICN’s social media pages.
How It Works
During a Challenge Match period, we ask listeners to call in with their financial support. Your company is clearly and gratefully acknowledged for providing incentive for listeners to call.
Standard Challenge Match Language
“This hour we have a special challenge from (Name of your business). (Brief description of your business). And right now they are matching your donation dollar for dollar. So your $10 per month donation to WICN will be worth a total of $240 per year in program support! Just call 508-752-0700 right now with your donation and join (Name of your business) in support of WICN.”
Donations that come in during the challenge match period are matched up to the amount of your Challenge Match amount. You determine the level of participation based on the challenge levels below:
Drive Time & Weekends $500
Other Times $250
For more information on Business Challenge Match please contact Emily Morrow at or call (508) 752-0700